Basic Machine Architecture — MIPS R2000 ISA
MIPS R2000 is a RISC processor. Its ISA has fixed-width 32 bit instructions and fall into one of the following three categories: R-type, I-type, and J-type
All the Instructions — can also be grouped under following functional groups.
Arithmetic Instructions: +, -, *, / operations on std data-structures (short, int, long, float)
Logical Instructions: AND, OR, NOT, XOR operations on std data-structures (short, int, long, float)
Comparison Instructions: <, >, =, >=, <= operations on std data-structures (short, int, long, float)
Branch Instructions: Changing the PC register values — updating with target address defined in the instruction
Load, Store and Move Instruction: For moving data from Memory to Registers and Registers to Memory with various addressing modes
Trap, Exception and Interrupt Instructions: These are handled trigger an processor exception, which are caught and handled at next layer (OS layer)
Totally we implement emulating all the 140 instructions of MIPS R2000 for a basic machine architecture
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